Michaelhouse Singers
A welcoming community choir supporting positive mental health.

I find choir really invaluable. Everyone is very accepting and welcoming. The singing is really uplifting, and we sing a wide range of songs, so there is something for everyone. There is no big pressure to attend every session, but it has nevertheless become a really important part of my week. We usually have a cup of tea together afterwards, which is almost as important as the singing. The space we sing in is beautiful, and adds to the whole experience. I would really recommend the choir to anyone who feels they may benefit! - C, Choir member
Join us!
Michaelhouse Singers meet for one hour on Friday afternoons during term time at 2.30pm in the Michaelhouse Chapel, Cambridge.
Please get in touch if you would like to join: email: michaelhousesingers@gsm.cam.ac.uk, phone: 747276 or simply come along to a rehearsal.