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Environment Group

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The Environment Group is a group of church members who seek to understand and promote good stewardship of God’s Earth both within the Church and in the wider community. To this end we especially welcome members who can bring expertise in this field to our work. We are fortunate in having members with expertise in a number of related fields including conservation, ecology, sustainability, horticulture, plants, birds, and animal welfare. Other members bring their interest, commitment and willingness to serve. As part of this mission, we seek to help to align Great St Mary’s policies, governance and operations to a sustainable future.

Members of the Environment Group meet regularly to discuss ways in which the church and parishioners can play their part in addressing the climate change crisis. ‘Enviro Tips’ feature in each edition of the Great St. Mary’s eMag.  Concern for the environment is included regularly in our church prayers and sermons.

Great St. Mary’s achieved its Eco Church Silver Award in 2020. The award is designed to equip churches to express care for God’s world in worship and teaching; in how you look after buildings and land; in how to engage with the local community and in global campaigns, and in the personal lifestyles of the congregation. The church is now aiming to be a gold award holder. More information at:  The church has installed solar panels and much has been achieved in reducing the church’s carbon footprint. The group works to maintain the churchyard as a beautiful, restful space to encourage visitors to connect with Creation and so also with the Creator. Great St. Mary’s is committed to installing swift boxes in the church tower, once there has been some tower restoration work carried out.

Members of the group were successful in a bid to ECLAS (Equipping Christian Leadership in an Age of Science) to appoint a Science in Faith Engagement Officer in 2022. This post was made possible with a matching from the Cambridge Church Schools (the Trust) and enables the officer to teach school classes on climate change and sustainability.

If you are interested in joining the group, please email

Office: 01223 747273

Café: 01223 693216

The University Church, Senate House Hill, Cambridge CB2 3PQ, UK

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Great St Mary's is a Living Wage Employer, and a Silver-Award Eco Church


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