Giving to Great St Mary's
The gifts and donations you make to Great St Mary's make a difference to our church and our community.
If you have any questions about giving, please be in touch with us at giving@gsm.cam.ac.uk
Giving Online
Giving online is the simplest method, and you can do so via our online donation page. However, if you're able to give directly by bank transfer or standing order, we do save on processing fees:
Give Directly from your Bank
Please make any one-off payments or standing orders to the following account:
Bank: HSBC
Address: Market Hill, PO Box 85, Cambridge,CB2 3HZ
Account name: Great St Mary's Parochial Church Council
Sort Code: 40-16-08
Account number: 91813382
Please include your surname and initials in the reference, and be sure to let us know at giving@gsm.cam.ac.uk so that we can easily identify your payment.
Setting up a Standing Order
If you would like to set up a Standing Order from your bank account, or increase your standing order, you can use this form. If you decide to give in this way, please do let us know at giving@gsm.cam.ac.uk
Gift Aid
If you are a UK taxpayer, we can receive a further 25% on your donation from the Government at no extra cost to you. If we do not already have a Gift Aid form from you, please fill in the Gift Aid form at this link and send it to us, preferably by e-mail to giving@gsm.cam.ac.uk
If you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us at giving@gsm.cam.ac.uk