Lent & Easter 2025
Lent Talks 2025
Lasting from 1-2pm on the dates shown come along to Michaelhouse Cambridge to hear our Lent talks for this year.

Living Hope
Please click here to access the Church of England's Lent resources for Living Hope

Great St Mary's Services
Morning Prayer -
Monday - Friday 9-9.25am
Holy Communion -
Wednesdays 12.30pm-1pm
Mondays at 12.30pm
in Michaelhouse
Christian Meditation/Silent Prayer
A space to be silent before God with others in the centre of our busy city. Give it a try if you are in the area; tell your friends.
Everyone is welcome, and to stay for a soup lunch.

Holy Week
Palm Sunday
13 April at 10am
A traditional Palm Sunday procession through the market square at 10am is followed by a reading of the Passion and a service of sung Holy Communion inside the church. Everyone is welcome to this service, which will also be livestreamed

Maundy Thursday
17 April at 7pm
A beautiful choral service at which Malcolm Guite, poet, singer-songwriter, Anglican priest and academic, will preach, with foot-washing, the remembrance of the Last Supper, and Holy Communion. Followed by a vigil with the Sacrament in
St Andrew's Chapel
Good Friday
18 April, 12.30–3pm
12.30 - 1.25pm Good Friday meditations: Malcolm Guite begins our Good Friday service
Followed by
1.30 - 3pm the Liturgy of the Cross, veneration of the cross and Communion from the Reserved Sacrament. All are welcome.

Easter Sunday
20 April
A joyful celebration of the great Day of Resurrection! Come and join us as we remember God's good news with song, story, and sacrament.
• 5.15am Dawn Vigil with Baptism and Confirmations
• 8am BCP Holy Communion
• 10am Choral Eucharist
• 11.45am Choral Mattins