Worship lies at the heart of Christian life. It is in worship that we express our faith in story, song, and sacrament. It is through encountering God within worship that we are formed, and transformed, as God’s people.
Our 10am Sunday service follows the Church of England's Common Worship, with choir and familiar hymns, while Evensong follows the 1662 Book of Common Prayer. At all of our services, you'll find welcoming people from all walks of life, in an open and affirming community of faith.
Whether you're seeking to deepen your faith or are just curious about Christianity, you're invited to join us as we pray together with Christ.
Worship Schedule
8am BCP Holy Communion
10am Holy Communion, with Children's Church.
4pm Evensong
Also: 11.30am Choral Mattins some weeks, and some other weeks a University Sermon
9am Weekdays: Morning Prayer
10.30am Tuesdays: The Ark
12.30pm Wednesdays: Holy Communion
6.30pm Thursdays: Choral Evensong (see Term Card for specific dates)
Our daily prayer and Sunday Services are live streamed. To access them please click here

Sunday Eucharist
10am Sundays
Our principal service, a service of Holy Communion with hymns and a choir, Scripture, and Sacrament. This service is livestreamed. Children's Church is available at Michaelhouse at 10am, with coffee for parents and caregivers, rejoining the rest of the congregation at the Peace.

7.30pm Thursdays, during Term
Students are invited to come discover HeartsEase, with the Cambridge Student Christian Movement. Learn more about this inclusive Christian community of students and young people in Cambridge at the Cambridge SCM website.